Saturday 5 February 2011

Evaluating Final Images - Macro

Below are the final images that I chose for my macro assignment.

Long Leaf 
Nature’s Lenses


Aperture f 4
ISO 200
Metering Pattern

With this image I like how the water droplets magnify whatever is beneath them, like a lens, hence the name Nature’s Lenses.  Although this is a replacement for an earlier image with the same name, which was not as sharp as this image.

This image has texture, lead in lines with the water droplets creating interesting shapes.

Although in the top left hand of the image there is some background, I have thrown this out of focus by using a large aperture of f 4.  

Water Chase

Water Chase 

Shutter 1/23
Aperture f 2.8
ISO 100
Metering Average

This photograph I liked because of how the water droplets formed on the stem bringing more interest to the shot.

This image again has texture, in both the underside of the left hand top leaf but also in the stem leading to it.  I used a smaller aperture (f 2.8) to keep the depth of focus was shallow enough to throw the leaves in the background out of focus.

Although the stem leads top left to bottom right, I still find it leads into the photograph.




Aperture f 3
ISO 400
Metering Pattern

This photograph, of the stigma of a flower took more work than a simple image can convey.  Like all the macro photographs here, it was taken outside with natural light.

This photograph has the texture of the petals and the stigma of the flower.  The shapes formed by the light on the petal and the stigma.

I have seen photographs like this before and I wanted to have a go myself.




Shutter 1/588
Aperture f 4.4
ISO 200
Metering Pattern

This photograph with its low angle, being taken from almost underneath the tree, makes an interesting photograph.

The texture of the snow on the twigs of this tree, set against a blue sky brought in a nice contrast to this photograph, with the shapes and forms created by the twigs.

Again I used a large aperture (f 4.4)  to throw the background out of focus.


Sub Zero

Sub Zero

Shutter 1/111
Aperture f 4.4
ISO 200
Metering Pattern

Like In frozen, I wanted to capture the texture of the snow on the leaves of this plant, but despite the elements how the plant survived.

Although there are no lines of interest in this photograph, there is shape and form in the leaves.

The shallow depth of field of f 4.4 was used to throw the background out of focus.

The title for this photograph came from a much used description of the weather.



Shutter 1/588
Aperture f 2.8
ISO 200
Metering Pattern

This photograph was taken to capture how the natural light, from the top right, caught this plant.

The line, bottom middle to top left, formed by the step leads the viewer into the picture.

There is texture in the leaves and shape and form in the leaves and the shadows.

Winter Leaves

Winter Leaves

Shutter 1/350
Aperture f 6.3
ISO 200
Metering Spot

This photograph, taken at the memorial gardens in front of the college.

What I liked about this is how the brown leaves where contrasted against the white snow, a sign of the two seasons, autumn and winter.

The texture of the leaves against the texture of the white snow gave a nice contrast, with the numerous shapes and forms created by the leaves, the snow and the shadows.

Although there was no intended lad in line, there is a line bottom right to top left along the ridge of the central brown leaf, which is then carried on.

 Veins and Water

Veins and Water

Shutter 1/52
Aperture f 2.8
ISO 200
Metering Pattern

This photograph was taken to capture the rain drops and how they lay on the leaf, together with the veins of the leaf.

There is texture in the leaf and rain drops, lines in the veins and shape / form created by the rain drops.

A large aperture (f 2.8) was used to throw the background out of focus. 






Frozen In Time

Frozen In Time

Shutter 1/90
Aperture f 5.6
ISO 100
Metering Manual

This photograph I liked as it shows a leave, emerging from the snow.

There is plenty of texture on the leaves and stems.

The shapes formed by the leaves makes you look at this image closer.

The shallow aperture (f 5.6) was used to throw the background out of focus to concentrate the viewer on the leaf.



Shutter 1/223
Aperture f 4
ISO 200
Metering Pattern


For this photograph of a pink flower (please don’t ask me what it’s called) after some rain.

What I liked about the photograph is how the pink flower stood out against the background with the water droplets adding more interest.

There is texture and shape in the pink petals and the raindrops on them.


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