Friday 4 February 2011

Functions of Management


There are different functions of management, that interact within any business, from multi nationals to the humble self employed photographer, but each function of management is important, and without it a business would fail.


Financial Management

This obviously involves the management of the financial side of the business, from managing cash flow, chasing clients for money owed to the business, choosing what equipment to buy, or hire, how much to pay people working for the business and how much rates, such as daily rates for costing jobs to clients, should be.


People Management

This involves choosing, interviewing and keeping people working for a business, including temporary staff. Also disciplinary action and dismissals are a necessary function, where needed.  Also training of staff falls into this category.


Sales and Marketing

This is one of the most important functions within a business, because without clients, no company can survive.  These people who are responsible for attracting new clients, keeping old clients, and bringing in new orders.  Sometimes when you are taking photographs for someone, for example at an event, some people may ask for your contact details and possibly some photographs.  This can lead to more business, by the person having been pleased with your photographs putting more work your way.  Despite every sales and marketing technique the power of word of mouth, or recommendation, is still the most powerful.

The marketing function can also be interpreted as sending out promotional literature to prospective clients.

Today, with the internet being so popular a well designed web site can be a very powerful marketing tool, reaching millions of people around the world.


Project Management

This planning is more specific and relates to the project in hand, and can involve all the other forms of management: financial; people and contingency all for the one project.


Contingency Planning

Planning contingencies is an important requirement, for example what if the model does not arrive at the location, or weather prevents a shoot taking place, these are all problems where contingencies have to be set in place to ensure the work is done on time – clients don’t accept that problems happen !


Health and Safety

This is another area which is very important as a function of management.

Not only does this cover those working for the company, but also any one visiting the company and any one who could be affected by the company or its operations.

There are various pieces of legislation covering health and safety, which must always be adhered to, because failure to do so can lead to very hefty fines and even imprisonment !


Legal Management

This might sound an odd function, but it covers the legal requirements that cover all the above functions, and more.

Contract law can be a minefield, so care has to be taken in ensuring that any contracts are drawn up properly, not simply copied from someone else, and contracts coming in to the business from clients and suppliers must be checked carefully, especially when discussing payment terms !

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